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Goblins, Ghouls and Long-Legged Beasties

by The Travelling Talesman

theatre, spoken-word-and-live-literature

Join The Travelling Talesman on a journey through Goblins, Ghouls, and Long-Legged Beasties this Autumn—just in time for spooky season!

about the production

Are greedy goblin hordes waiting in the wilds to gobble up unwary travellers? Do ghouls haunt our graveyards? Are there baleful beasties with long legs? Three different monsters, each with their own peculiarities and none of them quite what you think! Join The Travelling Talesman on a trip into darkness to meet the things that go bump in the night. Embark on a journey of imagination with The Travelling Talesman as he leads you through the whimsical realms of goblins, ghouls, and long-legged beasties - revealing surprising truths along the way. An evening of captivating storytelling that will challenge your perceptions

about the artist

The Travelling Talesman is a dynamic storyteller who enchants audiences with myths, legends, and folktales from around the world. With energetic performances and meticulous research, he brings characters to life in settings ranging from intimate gatherings to grand festivals. Cliff’s storytelling prowess, combined with his diverse background in music and sound engineering, makes him a captivating performer and workshop leader, inspiring audiences of all ages with his passion for storytelling and creativity.

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stage dimensions

width: 4 metres

height: 0 metres

depth: 1 metre

End on or thrust layout, warm soft stage lights, house lights partly up. Performed unplugged or a headset radio mic if amplification is required.

The Travelling Talesman appeals to adult audiences who have an interest in folklore, history and traditional ideas applied to modern dilemmas.

“A superb storyteller who captivates his audience. Also a thoroughly nice guy to work with. Very popular at Wickham, we’d recommend him to anyone”

Peter Chegwyn, Director Wickham Festival

"An engaging performer who has storytelling down to a fine art. His musicianship and acting ability had all spellbound... ...a magical and enjoyable trip to the Underworld."

Jane Howard, South Hill Park

"A wide repertoire and all performed with obvious enthusiasm. I got a distinct feeling you were gleefully dancing along the edge of insanity .... you weren't just reciting the words... There's a quote out there somewhere about the 'key to creativity lies in keeping the door to insanity slightly ajar'. A magical evening. Thank you."

John, audience member

Cliff is a seasoned and interactive performer whose shows provide a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Audience members are invited to respond and banter with him during the show, and will be able to leave the auditorium if they need to do so at any point in the performance. The expressive and physical nature of Cliff’s performances make him especially accessible to those with auditory processing difficulties, or for those for whom English is not a first language.

Workshop offer available

£350 day rate + travel and accommodation, sometimes negotiable