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Shield Maiden

by Shield Maiden

comedy, theatre

A Viking gives a 10th century TEDTalk (a REDTalk) on what it means to be a woman warrior.

about the production

SHIELD MAIDEN is funny, sexy, fierce and unapologetic! As Garrison Commander Ingrid Larsdottir comedically endeavours to engage new recruits, she inadvertently reveals her own tragic and violent personal history. Watching her struggle with her trauma is unsettling. Witnessing her tap into her inner strength is inspiring. Ingrid’s clarion call for equality and new recruits wins! She empowers women to reclaim the warrior archetype in a substantive way. This modern feminist story uses a character from the past to expose the sad reality that not enough has changed in the treatment of women since the time of Vikings…one thousand years ago.

about the artist

Melanie Teichroeb is the playwright and performer of this one woman show, Shield Maiden. Teichroeb sees her writing and performance art as a way to connect deeply with people through shared emotions and experiences. Feminism and innate curiosity are cemented in her process. Melanie believes that theatre is an incredible way to foster relationships and works to build strong connections to theatre personnel, crew and audiences alike.

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stage dimensions

width: 5 metres

height: 3 metres

depth: 3 metres

Stage Manager runs sound from a laptop patched into the system and works with tech crew for lighting.
Highly flexible and simple production allows for indoor/outdoor/in the round etc. No limitations

Women, men, teens, seniors. Contains strong language and sexual content. No nudity. The strong feminist content is accessible to all through humour.

Ingrid the Warrior arrived at our festival fully-formed and ready to kick ass. Shield Maiden sparks conversations about gender equality, feminine empowerment, and the #metoo movement – with a flamethrower. I’ve never seen a theatre crowd leave a show so charged up.

Mitch Miyagawa, Producer, Cultivate Festival

Shield Maiden by Melanie Teichroeb is a fierce and funny mashup of Vikings and a Tony Robbins workshop, and was truly one of the highlights this year of our 26th annual fringe festival, Fronterafest. Not only is it a great script, but Melanie’s performance was just incredible. It was no surprise that it was the best-selling long fringe show of the festival this year. Can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.

Ken Webster, AD, Hyde Park Theatre, FronteraFest,

A sinfully delicious, in-your-face, badass comedy about empowerment, reclaimed narratives and carnal appetites.

David Warburton, ED, Port Theatre

Currently uses sign language interpreter from each community for accessibility for Deaf/Hard of Hearing communities. Performer is Hard of Hearing and wears hearing aides.

Post show talk back session with performer Melanie Teichroeb and woman warrior from the presenter's community can discuss issues from the play, what it means to be a woman warrior today. We take questions from audience and this is a meaningful container for the emotions that may arise during the performance. Melanie is also available for photos with audience members post show. Melanie gives a great media interview and has been on Canada's provincial CBC twice.

$3000 CDN negotiable. Accommodation for crew of three. Will be applying to Canada Arts Council for tour support as well. Would prefer to fill dates so please reach out with your best offer. Open to all possibilities.

All individuals on tour maintain current vaccinations as per Canadian Health Regulation and travel with N95 masks.