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Tiny Violins Tour

by Jack Dean & Company


A music show playing songs from the band's new album, a magpie's nest of English folk, hip-hop, indie and midwest emo.

about the production

Tiny Violins is a music show featuring songs from the band’s new album of the same name, set to be released in spring 2024. The album is a magpie's nest of English folk, hip-hop, indie and midwest emo, with lyrics exploring anarchist theory, greek mythology and living with a super wonky brain. The band will also be playing a few songs from their previous shows, and creating some songs from scratch live on stage using loop pedals and audience contributions.

about the artist

Jack Dean & Company are a disabled-led, artist-owned non-profit & band set up to help tell stories of how things could be. They collaborate with inspiring and exceptional artists to create work across a range of art forms, with a focus on touring live shows. Their 2022 concept album and show Hero & Leander, or, I Love You, But Everything’s Under Water, has toured the UK extensively, including performances at the South Bank Centre and Beautiful Days festival.

loading calendars

stage dimensions

width: 3 metres

height: 2 metres

depth: 3 metres

Staging : indoor or thoroughly weatherproofed outdoor spaces.
Sound & Lighting: 13 amp power supply only. We can bring our own monitors, PA & lights.
Setup & Soundcheck time: 1 hour minimum, 2 hours ideal Run Time: 30-70 minutes (flexible)
Getout time: 30 minutes minimum, 1 hour ideal
Full tech & access rider available on request

Folk, indie and hip-hop music fans ages 14+

“It is huge fun, accessible, varied, energetic and touching, telling an oft-told, ancient story with passion and honesty”

The Fine Times Recorder, on Hero & Leander

"Im a hard bitch, but you made me cry"

Audience member, Jeremiah.

Live looping workshops can be provided on request.

£700 per show.