The free national tour listings site for artists and programmers

company profile


on since 07/05/2024

genres: dance, children and family

FRONTLINEdance is an artist-led company based in Stoke-on-Trent, placing disabled people and those with long-term health conditions at the core of our organisation as leaders, dancers, artists, and audiences. We do this with heart, skill, and inclusive practice, producing participatory and performance programmes in the community and in healthcare settings. As makers we explore how we can create exciting, relevant, and thought-provoking contemporary dance with d/DEAF, visually impaired, disabled, neurodivergent audiences and hospital patients. We co-create across ages, backgrounds, and experiences, naturally integrating people together, reducing isolation, and improving physical, mental, and social health and well-being.


The Explorers

Tour Begins

The Explorers

dance children-and-family