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company profile

Stratford Productions

on since 19/05/2021

genres: theatre, spoken word and live literature

Stratford Productions was set up in 2019 by actor/writer Mark Stratford in order to produce and tour his solo plays. Currently these are: (1) "Macready! Dickens' Theatrical Friend" - the story of one of the 19th Century’s greatest actor-managers, William Charles Macready, and; (2) "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" - adapted from the novella by Robert Louis Stevenson. After a pause due to the pandemic both shows have been touring the UK since September 2022.


Macready! Dickens' Theatrical Friend

Tour Begins

Macready! Dickens' Theatrical Friend

theatre spoken-word-and-live-literature
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Tour Begins

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

theatre spoken-word-and-live-literature