The free national tour listings site for artists and programmers

about is a free national resource for companies and artists to post listings about their tour-ready productions, and for bookers to easily search for shows for their programme.

Given the numerous challenges facing the touring sector, is one way we hope to make touring and booking productions more efficient and contribute to ensuring a sustainable, vibrant touring sector across England.

The site exists to create links between programmers and touring artists, and help tours travel further across England. It is not intended to replace traditional tour booking methods and personal relationships, but to make it easier to add those last few dates to fill a programmer’s season or make an artist’s tour viable. is delivered by Farnham Maltings, and supported by Arts Council England.

Farnham Maltings is a creative organisation that works with the artists and communities to encourage the greatest number of people to make, see and enjoy the best art possible. The organisation achieves this by developing and delivering programmes of work that encourage, develop and support artists and audiences, such as house; the South East touring and audience development initiative and caravan; an initiative to encourage England-based theatre makers to think and work internationally.