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Tilston & Lowe

by Different Strings Music Agency


two of the UK acoustic/folk scene's finest songwriters join forces

about the production

Steve Tilston & Jez Lowe, two of the UK acoustic/folk scene's finest songwriters join forces for a series of concerts filled with songs and music, chat and banter and intimate insights into their approach to their craft. Head to head, neck and neck (guitar necks, that is!) listen in as they rekindle the spontaneity of their late-night living-room song swaps. Questions, answers, anecdotes and anarchy... and a very special evening of music and song.

about the artist

Booking agency for singer/songwriters and acoustic musicians from the UK, USA and Canada.

loading calendars

stage dimensions

width: 3 metres

height: 2 metres

depth: 1 metre


“A master-class in songwriting from two of the folk world’s finest.”

The Living Tradition